
Quantum stochastic processes

Many experiments and precision measurement devices involve monitoring the behaviour of a quantum system continuously in time. The noisy output of the classical measuring device is then a stochastic process that inherits the quantum-mechanical character of the underlying microscopic system. Our work investigates how the rich dynamics and nonequilibrium thermodynamics of quantum stochastic processes impact the functionality of quantum devices under continuous monitoring. This is important for applications as diverse as information processing, energy harvesting, and accurate timekeeping.

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H. J. D. Miller, G. Guarnieri, M. T. Mitchison, and J. Goold, Quantum Fluctuations Hinder Finite-Time Information Erasure near the Landauer Limit, Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 160602 (2020), arXiv:2007.01882

P. Erker, M. T. Mitchison, R. Silva, M. P. Woods, N. Brunner, and M. Huber, Autonomous Quantum Clocks: Does Thermodynamics Limit Our Ability to Measure Time?, Phys. Rev. X 7, 031022 (2017)


Probing complex quantum systems


Quantum thermal machines